Regardless of the way research results are to be presented, following the headings below can be helpful. A research report need not be long, but it can still serve as a handy reference, even when results are also presented in video or another format. The advantage of a written report is that it can be referred to by section. It can be a resource for women’s organizations or the community’s band council. On the other hand, video footage must be viewed in its entirety to know all its content.

A research report contains all research steps, that is, the path followed to arrive at the results. Thus, one section will present the research process and another will present the results.

Research Title

The title should state as clearly as possible the research topic. The clearer it is, the more it will attract readers, both women and men.


Briefly discuss the research project and the reason for it. The introduction is often the last section written. Writing the rest of the report before will allow you to identify the key elements for the introduction. An introduction should be relatively short (for example, the introduction of a ten-page report should be no longer than one page).

2-The Context – The Research Problem

When setting out to do research, you should have an idea of the given context—the environment—that leads you to ask this or that research question. To explain the community’s general situation concerning the topic of interest, you will need supporting documents and statistics to better situate the idea and research question.

3-Research Question and Concepts

Present the research question chosen and, if necessary, also the reason for your choice. Also present and explain the key concepts used to ensure reader comprehension.
For example, in research on identity you would clearly define the terms identity, citizenship and membership.


This is where you explain how data was collected. What methodology was chosen to gather the pieces of information on the research question? Individual or group interviews? Polls?

Sample: explain why and how respondents were selected (what criteria guided the selection), what they represent to the community and why they are most likely to possess relevant information. How many people were included? How many group interviews (on what dates?) and individual interviews (with whom?) were conducted? While you cannot divulge people’s names, you can mention more general information. For example: three elders born and raised in the bush; three adults born in the bush or on the reserve, who went either to residential schools or the city; three youth born and raised on the reserve; two band council members; etc.

Over the course of the research: explain what did or did not work well and if there were good or bad surprises. You can explain that the information gathered on one factor was more abundant than on another.
Literature Review (if relevant): sum up how the review contributed to the research project.


The presentation of research results means presenting the main themes that came out of data collection, points of consensus on which everyone agreed and also contradictory points or opposing positions. What are the arguments that support the different positions? How does this information concur with the literature or does it provide new insight?
What are the conclusions following data analysis?

6-Discussion of Results

The discussion of results is the section intended to question findings and to place them in a broader context. To what extent did the results answer the initial questions? What have the results shown and what can be done with these findings? At this stage, it may be appropriate either to make recommendations for action and change or to ask more questions in order to delve further into the topic.


Briefly summarize the entire research project and highlight what you have learned. Just like the introduction, this section should be short.

8-Bibliographical References

Mention or cite only the references that directly contributed to the research. This includes government documents, newspaper articles, books and other works consulted. Since there are format norms for bibliographies, it is best to consult style guides, e.g.



In general, include the questionnaire(s) produced during the research project.